





S e n t i e n t

Our paths have crossed briefly but still we keep in a way engaged.
some kind of invisible knot or thread with less and less materiality, less and less physicality
what's left now is just so thin so fragile still so essential
How much do we engage ourselves through the flow then on modifying the flow ?
This the story of persistance and patience / quality notions which go beyond
the limitations/imitationsof our mediatic surroundings, beyond the idea of a society
trying to narrow us down to uniformal fast-eye-food-superficial-
throw away quickly-undigested-disposable-informations-
good to dance to, to think alike… mass-entertainment.

l a  " z o n e "

Toute "zone" conduit vers l'ailleurs, vers l'inconnu, l'inespéré
Là il n'y a pas de quête sans mouvement intérieur continu
sans pulsations et battements de la pensée
de l'attention, de l'imagination
Le chemin est long, indéfini, méandres multiples, embûches
épreuves, les doutes, risques d'égarement
enlisement, découragement, abandon
Dans la zone le chemin le plus droit n'est pas le plus court
et plus on va loin moins on risque